TBM-23 Series

Three-range ratemeter. Analog. Portable. Reads out in cpm or mR/hr. Detects Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Radiation.

  • TBM-23-W has an extendable 33” long wand with a recessed and protected GM detector on the end.
  • TBM-23-LB reads Low Background. Use for Column monitoring chromatogram plate monitoring: general purpose monitoring.


Three-range ratemeter. Analog. Portable. Reads out in cpm or mR/hr. Detects Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Radiation.

  • TBM-23-W has an extendable 33” long wand with a recessed and protected GM detector on the end.
  • TBM-23-LB reads Low Background. Use for Column monitoring chromatogram plate monitoring: general purpose monitoring.