Random Pulse Generator. Digital. Benchtop. Avoid coincidence loss during calibration, which typically requires a “touch up” on a radiation calibration course. Coincidence loss at high counting rates based on random radiation pulses is not matched by the evenly spaced output of the usual “pulser” (PV-1). The PV-R2 Random Pulse Generator corrects this deficiency and results in little or no “touch up” in the final radiation course checkout. AC Power. Local Readout.


Random Pulse Generator. Digital. Benchtop. Avoid coincidence loss during calibration, which typically requires a “touch up” on a radiation calibration course. Coincidence loss at high counting rates based on random radiation pulses is not matched by the evenly spaced output of the usual “pulser” (PV-1). The PV-R2 Random Pulse Generator corrects this deficiency and results in little or no “touch up” in the final radiation course checkout. AC Power. Local Readout.
