TA News and Information

Technical Associates Instrument
on Good Morning America

Technical Associates’ TBM-3SRD was shown on Good Morning America Channel 7 the day after the March 22, 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

The information in this book was gathered using a detailed online survey that was completed by the vendor. The intent was to ensure that the information was accurate and was not derived from a 3rd party source or internet search that could result in incorrect or outdated information. The information was analyzed using a weighted system designed to determine the device’s usefulness in four different scenarios: Field use, Transportable Laboratory use, Diagnostic Laboratory use, Analytical Laboratory use. Technical Associates and Overhoff Technology have 14 instruments in this technology survey guide.

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) has initiated a number of projects, including a National Academy of Sciences study, requested in April 1974. The Academy’s study, Long-Term Worldwide Effects of Multiple Nuclear Weapons Detonations, a highly technical document of more than 200 pages, is now available. The present brief publication seeks to include its essential findings, along with the results of related studies of this Agency, and to provide as well the basic background facts necessary for informed perspectives on the issue. READ MORE
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Water is a threatened commodity. “ Damage to or destruction of the nation’s water supply and water quality infrastructure by terrorist attack or natural disaster could disrupt the delivery of vital human services in this country, threatening public health and the environment, or possibly causing loss of life….” From a 2009 Congressional Report.

The pre 9/11 standard of sampling every two years is useless for Homeland Security
PROBLEM: This long detection delay of water system contamination from hazmat accident or terrorist action can allow wide-spread human injury as well as irretrievable contamination to your critical infrastructure causing massive disruption and costing many millions of dollars to replace.

These Protective Action Guide Levels (PAG levels) are very important since they tell the public health officials when to call a drinking water emergency and even when to evacuate the city!
THE Old Document: In 1992 the EPA published its Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents. This is an excellent manual.
But One Major Fault: All radiation levels are given in REM per year. There is no guidance for the layman in terms airborne or waterborne concentrations in terms of microCuires or Becquerel /Liter for various isotopes.
The New Document: In contrast, the January 2009 Revisions provides actual concentration levels for 110 Nuclides of Interest, giving both Derived Response Levels and Committed Effective Dose.

Technical Associates’ TBM-3SRD was shown on Good Morning America Channel 7 the day after the March 22, 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Nuclear Power Plants need to upgrade on many levels to qualify for re-licensing. How about a Carbon-14 & Tritium Survey Meter in one real-time unit to meet the new designation of C-14 and Tritium as being ‘principle nuclides’?

Where is the dedicated real-time continuous monitoring system for early response to radiation contamination?

Locus and Overhoff to Offer Real Time Tritium Monitoring and Compliance Software at Nuclear Facilities. This team up brings together Overhoff’s Tritium instrumentation with Locus’ award winning Cloud Computing software. New issues with Tritium at various nuclear power plants are making headlines and public safety and awareness is demanding a better accounting of monitoring efforts and mitigation. Cloud Computing via Locus Data Management Software makes the Overhoff Tritium monitoring an elegant solution

Jefferson National Laboratory use of Technical Associates’ continuous real-time monitor for the radioactive waste stream generated by the high energy beam dump of the accelerator.

Read the White Paper: 2012 and Beyond: State-of-the Art Radiation Monitoring Systems for Nuclear Power Plants and Accelerators

2011 brought us the Fukushima disaster and other radioactive polluting events around the world.
Typically a nuclear plant’s instrumentation for detecting and measuring radionuclide contaminants dates back at least to the 1970s.
An expert in nuclear instrumentation systems design tells us his vision for a future where smart systems and Cloud computing facilitates compliance with Federal Regulations, saves money, improves plant efficiency, and protects people and the global environment.

Hydrofracking demands the use of millions of gallons of water, precious drinking water, and sand infused with up to 1,000 different toxic chemicals to fracture the shale rock and release the trapped gas or oil. The process releases trapped radiation as well.
