Quick Check Water Monitor. Digital. Portable. Two detectors. (1) Internal-T-1190 Alpha, Beta, Gamma detector with a sliding Beta shield. (1) External-submersible Gamma detector. Local readout. Ranges: 4 linear for each detector:

  • 0-500; 5,000; 50,000; 500,000 cpm for external
  • 0-0.15; 1.5; 15; 150 mR/hr. for internal detector

Other scales and overlays available: Sieverts, etc. Use anywhere. Great for First Responders. Click For GM Pancake Tube Response Report.


Quick Check Water Monitor. Digital. Portable. Two detectors. (1) Internal-T-1190 Alpha, Beta, Gamma detector with a sliding Beta shield. (1) External-submersible Gamma detector. Local readout. Ranges: 4 linear for each detector:

  • 0-500; 5,000; 50,000; 500,000 cpm for external
  • 0-0.15; 1.5; 15; 150 mR/hr. for internal detector

Other scales and overlays available: Sieverts, etc. Use anywhere. Great for First Responders. Click For GM Pancake Tube Response Report.
