zNOSE® 4650

The portable 4650 zNose® is the first and only FIELD READY chemical, organic, biological compounds analyzer and identifier. Includes a fully integrated computer for in field real-time analysis and identification. Its hydrocarbon detector speciates and quantifies organic compounds from C-4 to C-24 in 30 – 60 seconds or less. Identifies vapors as low as ppb for many compounds. Diverse applications from explosives to food and beverages. Easy to use.

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The portable 4650 zNose® is the first and only FIELD READY chemical, organic, and biological compounds analyzer and identifier. Includes a fully integrated computer for in-field real-time analysis and identification. Its hydrocarbon detector speciates and quantifies organic compounds from C-4 to C-24 in 30 – 60 seconds or less. Identifies vapors as low as ppb for many compounds. Diverse applications from explosives to food and beverages. Easy to use.
