Fast, Rugged Ion Chamber. Digital. Portable. Detects Beta, Gamma, X-Ray. Digital. Readout: 6 Digit-Rate, 8 Digit Integrate. Rate range is 0.1 mR/h to 50,000mR/h in a single range. Dose range is 0.01mR to 100R in a single range. Side view low energy (down to 20KeV) fluted chamber. TBM-IC-LE Local readout.


Fast, Rugged Ion Chamber. Digital. Portable. Detects Beta, Gamma, X-Ray. Digital. Readout: 6 Digit-Rate, 8 Digit Integrate. Rate range is 0.1 mR/h to 50,000mR/h in a single range. Dose range is 0.01mR to 100R in a single range. Side view low energy (down to 20KeV) fluted chamber. TBM-IC-LE Local readout.
Click For Portable Ion Chamber Comparison Chart.
