Raw Water Monitor. Continuous Real-Time. Digital. Portable or Installed. Real-time. Installed Real-time, continuous. Detects Gamma. Single detector RAWA-GP. Dual detector RAWA-BGP for Beta and Gamma. Data archive/retrieval. Local and remote alarming, readout and monitoring. Computer interface. Useful in complying with discharge requirements for wastewater. The modular system allows function changes or additions and rapid repair in the field. Measures raw waterat or below EPA/DHS PAG levels. High sensitivity in silt and particulates. Designed for drinking water filtration and wastewater systems.


Raw Water Monitor. Continuous Real-Time. Digital. Portable or Installed. Real-time. Installed Real-time, continuous. Detects Gamma. Single detector RAWA-GP. Dual detector RAWA-BGP for Beta and Gamma. Data archive/retrieval. Local and remote alarming, readout and monitoring. Computer interface. Useful in complying with discharge requirements for wastewater. The modular system allows function changes or additions and rapid repair in the field. Measures raw waterat or below EPA/DHS PAG levels. High sensitivity in silt and particulates. Designed for drinking water filtration and wastewater systems.
